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    ကြိယာ ၄-မျိုး

    Present tense verb/ Past tense Verb/ Past participle verb/ Present participle verb
    (Verb - 1)/ (Verb - 2)/ (Verb- 3)/ (Verb – 4)
    Speak(s)/ Spoke/ Spoken/ Speaking
    Say(s)/ Said/ Said/ Saying
    Write(s)/ Wrote/ Written/ Writing
    Talk(s)/ Talked/ Talked/ Talking
    Go(es)/ Went/ Gone/ Going
    Teach(es)/ Taught/ Taught/ Teaching

    Simple Present Tense - ဖြင့် သုံးသောအရာများ
    1. Universal Truth (ထာဝရ အမှန်တရား)
    2. General Truth (ယေဘုယျ အမှန်တရား)
    3. State of Affairs (ရှိရင်းစွဲ အခြေအနေ)
    4. Order or Request (အမိန့်ပေးစကား၊ တောင်းပန်စကား)
    5. Habitual Actions (အကျင့်၊ ဓလေ့၊ စရိုက်များ)

    1.Universal Truth (ထာဝရ အမှန်တရား)
    1. The earth is round.
    2. In every country, the sun rises in the east.
    3. The earth goes around the sun.
    4. Everything is subject to decay.
    5. To meet is to part.

    2. General Truth (ယေဘုယျ အမှန်တရား)
    1. Cows eat grass.
    2. Boys are stronger than girls.
    3. Women are more curious than men.
    4. Man is the breadwinner in the family.

    3. State of Affairs (ရှိရင်းစွဲ အခြေအနေ)

    1. Yangon is the capital of Myanmar.

    2. He is 19.

    3. She is thin/ selfish.

    4. The Irrawaddy flows from north to south.

    5. Myanmar is The Golden Land.

    4. Order or Request (အမိန့်ပေးစကား၊ တောင်းပန်စကား)

    1. Come here / go there. Please come here/ go there.

    2. Don’t talk. Please don’t talk.

    3. Be quiet. Be quiet, please.

    4. Tell me what you see. Please tell me what you see.

    5. Sit down. Sit down, please.

    5.Habitual Actions (အကျင့်၊ ဓလေ့၊ စရိုက်များ)

    ယေဘုယျအားဖြင့် အကျင့်၊ ဓလေ့၊ စရိုက်များကို ဖော်ပြသော (Frequency Adverbs) ကြိယာဝိသေသနများ

    Always, Never, Often, Frequently, Sometimes, Occasionally, Every......, Usually, Generally, Hardly, Rarely, Seldom, Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Yearly, Once/ twice/ three times…. a day/ week/ month/ year, whenever

    Always =အမြဲတမ်း

    1. She always tells the truth.

    2. He is always polite.

    3. I always think of my future.

    Never = ဘယ်တော့မှ၊ တစ်ခါမှ၊ လုံးဝ

    1. He never lies to others.

    2. I never smoke.

    3. He never drinks alcohol.

    Often = မကြာခဏ

    1. He often comes to me.

    2. I often see him at school.

    3. He often calls me.

    Frequently = မကြာခဏ

    1. I frequently go and see my mother.

    2. He is frequently broke.

    3. She frequently feels depressed.

    Sometimes = တစ်ခါတစ်ရံ၊ ရံဖန်ရံခါ

    1. I sometimes go out at night.

    2. Even friends disagree sometimes.

    3. The truth is sometimes difficult to get at.

    Occasionally = တစ်ခါတစ်ရံ၊ ရံဖန်ရံခါ

    1. We see each other occasionally.

    2. She phones every week and writes occasionally.

    3. I go to bed late occasionally.

    Every……= …..တိုင်း

    1. He gets up early every morning.

    2. I read newspaper every day.

    3. She goes to the cinema every week.

    Usually= များသောအားဖြင့်

    1. He usually goes to work by bus.

    2. I am usually out during the day.

    3. She usually goes out on Sundays.

    Generally = ယေဘုယျအားဖြင့်

    1. I generally get up at six.

    2. He generally takes a rest on Saturdays.

    3. She generally agrees with me.

    Hardly = Almost no; Almost not; Almost none= မ…လောက်နီးပါး

    1. We hardly know each other.

    2. He hardly speaks English.

    3. She hardly ever goes out at night.

    Rarely = Not very often = ရှားရှားပါးပါး ၊ ကြုံတောင့်ကြုံခဲ

    1. She is rarely seen in public nowadays.

    2. We rarely agree on what to do.

    3. The buses are rarely on time.

    Seldom = ရှားရှားပါးပါး ၊ ကြုံတောင့်ကြုံခဲ

    1. She seldom goes out alone.

    2. I seldom watch T.V.

    3. The cautious seldom err.

    Daily = နေ့စဉ်နေ့တိုင်း

    1. I walk for my health daily.

    2. He reads newspaper daily.

    3. The restaurant is open daily.

    Weekly = အပတ်စဉ်တိုင်း

    1. She goes to the theatre weekly.

    2. He visits his parents weekly.

    3. Wages are paid weekly.

    Monthly = လစဉ်၊ လတိုင်း

    1. He goes for a picnic monthly.

    2. She gets paid monthly.

    3. I call my parents monthly.

    Yearly = နှစ်စဉ်၊ နှစ်တိုင်း

    1. I go back to my native town yearly.

    2. He celebrates his birthday party yearly.

    3. They visit me yearly.

    Once/ twice/ three times…. a day/ week/ month/ year = တစ်ရက်/ပတ်/လ/နှစ်မှာ တစ်၊ နှစ်၊ သုံး.....ကြိမ်

    1. I do physical exercise once a day.

    2. He dines out twice a week.

    3. She cleans her house twice a month.

    4. I go for a check-up three times a year.

    Whenever = အခါတိုင်း

    1. Whenever they meet, they speak in English.

    2. Whenever he needs my help, he comes to me.

    3. Whenever I remember you, I look at your photo.

    Credit - Original Writer  

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